most beautiful university campus

What Makes a University Campus Beautiful?

Some students are very picky when considering their higher education institution. Besides the typical criteria of quality education and accreditation, or fees structure, some students…

Why Study in Poland?

Why Study in Poland?

Many people dream to move and live abroad, find a job and maybe settle there for life. However, we all know how hard it is…

How To Find The Most Suitable Accommodation As a Student

How To Find The Most Suitable Accommodation As a Student

After a long day in your department studying and learning information that will help you build your career, the only thing you may want to do is go back home, relax and chill for a new day. However, this may be easier said than done. Immediately questions such as; “Where will I be staying and What will it be like?” may appear.

9 Reasons Why You Should Study in Turkey

9 Reasons Why You Should Study in Turkey

Are you looking for a country that offers a mixture between eastern and western cultures? Yet not expensive like other western countries? A country that offers a wide range and variety of culture through history? I can’t think of a better place, once known as the Ottoman Empires greatest country and now in modern times Turkey. Culture, beauty, history, mountains, seas and more are all available in one single place for you.

The Importance of English Proficiency Tests

The Importance of English Proficiency Tests

After a long day in your department studying and learning information that will help you build your career, the only thing you may want to do is go back home, relax and chill for a new day. However, this may be easier said than done. Immediately questions such as; “Where will I be staying and What will it be like?” may appear.

study in cyprus

9 Reasons Why You Should Study in North Cyprus

North Cyprus is known to be one of the world’s destination that offers international students the opportunity to gain a degree with very affordable tuition fees, keeping the study abroad budget to a minimum! Most of North Cyprus universities offer 50% scholarship for international students, which makes most degrees affordable compared to other universities across Europe. Tuition fees vary across the different universities in the country and the program enrolled in.

How To Choose Your First University

How To Choose Your First University

Decided on being an international student and study abroad? Congratulations! Now you just need to do your research and apply for a university. Are you too afraid to begin the process and keep postponing it? Confused about which college should you join and what degree should you be pursuing?

Well, no need to stress out! You are not the alone and the sooner you start searching for information and begin the application process for a university degree, the higher the chances you will be accepted by one or more international universities that you dream about. Applying to a university, whether it is in Turkey, Cyprus, Malaysia, Poland or Ukraine is not as complicated as you may think. You just have to pay attention to a few details and prepare all the necessary documents as soon as possible.

What college should I go to? What degree should I get that I will be happy with 10, 20, and 50 years from now? How can I apply? What are the papers required? Can I double major?

Top Budget Medical Universities Abroad

Top Budget Medical Universities Abroad

You’ve finished your high school, your papers are ready, next step is to peruse the old dream that has never faded away. Yes, it’s time to enroll in a medical university and start the trip of becoming a member of the most important army in history. Doctors have the task of fighting diseases all around the world.