6 Habits That Hinder Your Academic Performance
Habits are powerful forces that shape our life. They can influence how we think, what we do and how successful we become. When good habits become part of our routine, they can help us lead more productive and fulfilling lives. On the other hand, bad habits can have a devastating effect on our wellbeing, health and success.
In the academic journey, small habits can have big consequences and many students might not even realize that their actions and lifestyle choices are having negative effects on their grades and learning capacity. Hence, with the start of every new school year, it is important for students to create – or at least try to create – good habits in preparation for the new session and in anticipation of a successful one. This is because, without a doubt, good habits are essential for helping students achieve academic success. They can also lead to increased motivation and improved focus.
However, sometimes good habits are overshadowed by bad ones which can actually hinder progress and lead to decreased academic performance. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common habits that could be roadblocks in your academic journey.
#1 Missing Classes
As students, we often take classes for granted and may end up missing them from time to time. Before you know it, it becomes something you do quite often and without much thought. But, despite how harmless it might seem, missing classes is a bad habit. And it can have dire consequences on your academic performance and long-term success.
For starters, missing classes disrupts your learning process. By skipping a class every now and then, you end up missing opportunities to learn directly from teachers, receive explanations and clarifications, or gain additional perspectives on the subject matter – usually in the form of valuable real-world examples and case studies discussed in class. This could lead to an inability to keep pace with course materials and falling behind on assignments and tests. But even more scary is that missing classes can result in alienation from classmates. This can impede future collaborations and progress towards building successful professional relationships.
Finally, another major disadvantage of missing class is that it can directly affect your grades. Many teachers tend to factor in attendance when calculating a student’s grade, either through direct or indirect deductions. These could add up quickly and make achieving top grades difficult for students who consistently skip classes.

#2 Social Media Overconsumption
In this modern era, we can all agree that, as students, our attention is usually divided between studies and social media. And while it’s true that social media does provide many benefits such as connecting with friends and family or keeping up to date with news, it can easily become a serious bad student habit with many drawbacks.
Spending too much time scrolling through your timeline or checking notifications can take away from studying or other important activities. It can also be incredibly distracting when trying to concentrate on completing assignments or learning new material for a class/subject. Spending too much time on social media is an enabler for procrastination. And with the constant barrage of images, posts, and updates from other people, it can be hard not to compare yourself and feel inadequate – often without even realizing it, leading to stress and anxiety.
In addition to being a bad habit, too much screen time also has health risks: spending long hours hunched over our phones can lead to headaches, blurry vision, backaches, neck pain and fatigue – all things we could do without! At the end of the day, moderation is key when it comes to using social media as a student. Balance out your studies with enough leisurely activities (without being glued to your phone) for a healthy mind and body.
#3 Perfectionism
It can be all too easy for us to get overwhelmed by the idea of having to do everything perfectly. After all, we’re always being told that our grades have to be perfect if we want to have a chance at success. But striving for perfection isn’t always the best move and wanting to achieve it always is easily a counterproductive habit. As a matter of fact, trying too hard to achieve perfect grades might push us further away from our goals.
There’s nothing wrong with aiming high and wanting to do well in class. But it’s important not to get too caught up in achieving that A+ every single time. Putting in too much effort into one project or assignment affects time or resources for other tasks or activities. This includes activities and topics that you actually enjoy learning about. And this won’t help you reach your goals in the long run!
Constantly feeling like your work needs to be “perfect” is a bad habit which eventually takes its toll on your mental health; giving yourself some leeway and understanding that there is no such thing as “perfection” can help in managing stress as a student. It’s important for students remember that there are more important things than getting perfect marks. Strive for excellence, but remember not to ignore the subjects or hobbies outside of school that bring you joy. Focus instead on finding a balance between school work and enjoying yourself while learning.

#4 Comparison
We can all relate to the feeling of getting caught up in comparing ourselves to others. As students, we’re constantly being bombarded with images of our classmates’ successes, which can make it all too easy to focus on what other people are doing instead of focusing on ourselves. And with social media and the internet at our fingertips, it’s become even easier to size ourselves up against the achievements and successes of our peers.
Constantly comparing educational goals and achievements to others won’t benefit you in any way. Instead, it will only serve to distract and discourage you on your own journey towards success. This would also prevent you from reaching your full potential. And it doesn’t end there, comparison is a bad habit that saps away at your motivation levels and confidence. This leads to feelings of inadequacy and down a spiral of negative thoughts and emotions. Our minds tend to latch on to the things that aren’t quite up to par when we compare ourselves with others. This isn’t healthy or productive in any way!
There is no need to get caught up in keeping up with everyone else. Try not to put too much emphasis on how well others are doing as opposed to you. Remember that what works for them won’t necessarily be best for you. Don’t let comparison sabotage your wellbeing as a student. Instead, focus on building yourself up by setting personal goals and celebrating even small successes along the way!
#5 Procrastination
It is quite tempting (and usually not difficult) to put off assignments and tasks until the last minute – after all, there always seems to be something more interesting or fun that we could be doing instead! But procrastination isn’t just a harmless habit. In fact, there are some serious drawbacks that come with putting things off.
Procrastinating leads to unnecessarily high stress levels which hinders productivity. The bad habit of waiting until the last minute to complete assignments or study for tests means having to rush through everything – which could lead to sloppy work and mistakes due to lack of attention or care. Procrastination also creates a constant feeling of unpreparedness making you feel a lot less confident during tests or presentations. This’ll have a negative impact on your grades, academic success, and gives you a bad reputation among teachers and peers.
Persistent procrastination will also most definitely limit your learning potential when it comes to topics that require deep thinking. Instead of spending our time exploring new ideas or making sure we fully understand concepts covered during class time, we tend to focus on completing tasks rather than actually learning something from them. Remember that taking responsibility for your studies is key when it comes to achieving academic success. So, try not to let procrastination get in the way!

#6 Isolation
It’s no secret that academic success takes hard work and dedication, but there’s one factor that shouldn’t be overlooked: having a strong social network. In order to get the most out of their studies, students need to create opportunities for socializing, networking and building relationships with peers and mentors. Isolation can prevent this from happening, making it difficult for them to take advantage of any educational opportunities that come their way.
In the absence of peers, colleagues or mentors to provide support, guidance and motivation, it can be difficult to stay motivated and engaged with study materials. Additionally, lacking the creative stimulation of a group environment can lead to students reaching an academic stand-still – unable to make progress due to a lack of ideas or enthusiasm.
Studies have shown that when individuals spend prolonged periods away from constructive social interaction, physical and mental health issues are likely to manifest over time. It can result in mental health issues like depression, which can interfere with concentration levels and productivity. Ultimately, stress levels increase and sleep quality decreases which then has an impact upon cognitive processes such as memory capacity, creativity and problem-solving skills – all essential components of academic excellence.
The bad habit of constantly isolating oneself can be damaging for any student regardless of ambition or aptitude. With a little effort and planning, you can find ways to stay socially connected while still reaching your academic goals. Whether it’s joining clubs or taking part in online communities dedicated to learning and growing together, everyone has the ability to build meaningful connections without having to sacrifice alone time. Maintaining personal wellness while staying socially connected is key. As it’s been said before: a healthy mind leads to a healthy body — or in this case, better grades!
Bad habits are an issue that many students face. And it can be a real bummer when it comes to putting your best foot forward in academics. These habits can really hold us back when we want to make changes in our lives. We get so used to doing things a certain way that it’s quite difficult to break these patterns. And this is true even when we know they’re not helping us. And when it comes to academic performance, the effects of these bad habits can be quite severe.
But don’t worry! Poor study habits don’t have to mean poor grades. If we recognize our bad habits and make positive changes, we can get back on track for academic success. You’ll be surprised how much you could achieve with just a few small changes!